Can I cancel my order?
We make every effort to ensure that your order is processed and shipped quickly as we understand how important it is for you to receive your order as soon as possible. Most of our products can be cancelled up to the point of despatch for a full refund. If your order status is Draft or Pending, you can easily delete/cancel your order yourself. Unfortunately, once an order has been dispatched, it cannot be cancelled.
How do I cancel?
If your order status is "Draft/Pending", you can select "cancel this order" to cancel your order.
Step 1. Log in, located at the top right of the home page.
Step 2. Select "My Orders".
Step 3. Select the order you wish to cancel and click on the 'Cancel Order' button.
Step 4. You will see a screen like this.
Step 5. Confirm if you want to cancel this order, then click Yes or No.
Step 6. When you have successfully cancelled your order, a confirmation screen will appear.
Note: If the link is not available, we have already processed your order for dispatch and cannot cancel it.